2018 Goals
So I’ve never been a New Year’s resolution type of gal, but this year it seems like an appropriate time to set some personal goals. This past year has had its share of ups and downs, and although it’s been great overall I feel like there are so many things I can be doing better.
1. Start doing things I enjoy
I would like to really focus on learning about blogging (I’m basically clueless). I’ve always enjoyed writing, but like many other things, I stopped doing it when I became a mom. Now that Gray is a little older, I definitely want to get back to doing things that make me happy-which brings me to another goal. I really want to be able to do things for myself without feeling guilty about it. I’m able to be the best version of myself when I make myself a priority. It might be something as little as painting my nails, reading a good book, or having a treat (without Gray stealing it from me). Making time for myself is going to happen this year.
2. Be healthier
Another thing that needs to be priority this year is health. Not just mine, but also my husband and son’s. I used to be SO disciplined, and SO good about working out before I had Gray. I literally used to juice every night, make my salad and snacks for work, and I would even workout during my lunch hour (and sometimes after work too). Obviously not all of that is possible now that I have actual adult responsibilities, but I still need to work on being healthier. I’m going to start by cooking more, juicing again, drinking more water, and not eating as many cookies. In order to make sure my family eats healthier, I need to plan meals and incorporate more veggies into our diet. As far as fitness goes, it’s so rare that I’m able to make it to the gym. I’ve started making small chances, like taking the stairs at work and doing short workouts on Youtube (like this one and this one. I’ll do a separate post on health tips once I get it together a little bit.
3. Be more intentional
Next, I want to focus on becoming more intentional when it comes to purchases and consumption. It’s so easy to get caught up in all of the things we “need”, but most of it is so unnecessary. We have more clothes, shoes and possessions than we could ever need. I truly believe that purging ourselves of the things that are not meaningful to us would be so freeing. I’ve already started this process, but I have a LONG way to go.
6. Be easier on myself
As a mom, guilt is something I experience more often than I care to admit. I feel guilty that I don’t spend enough time with Gray, that we don’t do enough holiday activities, that he doesn’t always eat healthy enough, that sometimes I want to do something for myself, the list could go on and on. This year I really want to cut myself a little slack. As long as I’m doing my best, and Gray is healthy and loved then that’s all that matters. I need to stop stressing the small stuff, and just make the most of every day.
5. Be a better wife and mom
Most importantly, I want to work on being a better wife and mother. I constantly feel as if I’m falling short in both of these areas. After getting home from work, it’s so easy to just relax and watch a show or get on my phone. Of course, relaxing is important, but it’s so much more important to spend time with my hubby and Gray. Gray is growing up so fast, and I don’t want to miss a thing. Especially since I work full time, I want to make the most out of the time I have with both of them. Being more patient, understanding and handling stress better are all things I need to work on.
In my marriage, I want to make sure we get to spend quality time alone. Not just sitting on the couch together on our phones time, but real undivided attention. The past few months, date nights have become non-existent so I’m going to make sure we have more dates in 2018. I really just want us to support each other, and work together to achieve our goals and dreams this year.
I think the reason that I’ve never been a fan of New Year’s resolutions is that people don’t usually seem to stick with them. So I’m not calling these resolutions, I’m just calling them goals. What are some of your goals for 2018?
Best wishes on your 2018 goals, Safi! You’ll crush them!
Thanks so much Vanesa!! Best wishes to you too!! We got this!!