My Top 5 Tips for Being More Confident While Pregnant featuring b.tempt’d
I’m currently in my second trimester with baby number 2, and it’s definitely been a journey when it comes to my confidence level. We all have insecurities, but I feel like they become magnified during pregnancy (for me at least). I felt so unattractive last time and it was difficult for me to cope with my growing body, along with all of the other mental and emotional changes that women experience while pregnant. This time around I’m determined to celebrate this beautiful time in my life instead of worrying about what I look like. I’ve implemented several things that have been super helpful so I wanted to share them with all of you in the hopes that they would be helpful for you too!
*This post is sponsored by b.tempt’d bras, all opinions are my own
These are my top 5 tips for being more confident while pregnant (or really at any time!):
This applies to everyone whether you’re pregnant or not. Stop comparing yourself to your friend who’s also pregnant, to the woman on Instagram who has the same due date as you or the picture perfect pregnant women on Pinterest. I love finding maternity style inspiration on Pinterest (because I honestly have no idea wtf to wear), but if I try not to pin things that make me feel crappy about myself. Just remember that every body is different and there will always be someone who is bigger than you and there will always be someone who is smaller than you. If someone on Instagram is triggering for you, mute their posts or unfollow them! You have enough to worry about (like the whole growing a human thing) without wasting time looking at photos of people that make you insecure. The goal is to be happy and confident, so do whatever you need to do to protect yourself and your energy!
2. Flood yourself with gratitude
I heard someone say this one a podcast once and it really resonated with me. I’ve talked about how Gray and I say a few things were grateful for every morning in this post. It’s been so helpful for both of us, but gratitude has taken on a whole new meaning during this pregnancy. Any time I find myself complaining about the aches and pains, extra weight gain or other undesirable symptoms that come with pregnancy, I immediately remind myself how blessed I am to be carrying a baby for the second time. There are so many women who are experiencing far worse symptoms, infertility and loss or wanting a baby so badly. Of course it’s fine to vent or feel crappy because let’s be real-for most women pregnancy is no walk in the park. It’s so important to make sure that you’re reminding yourself of how lucky you are, and how many things you have to be grateful for so you’re truly able to cherish this time.
3. Workout
When it comes to being active, it was WAY easier when I was pregnant with Gray. I was only working part-time and I was already in the habit of working out pretty consistently. I also had more time to do things like take leisurely walks and even go to the gym-haven’t been to one of those in months. It’s a bit more challenging fitting in workouts with a wild toddler, full-time job and side hustle but I feel SO MUCH BETTER when I workout. Going to the gym isn’t something that’s feasible in this season of my life so at-home workouts have been my jam. I used the Fiton App before I got pregnant, and now I do their prenatal workouts. I also love the Prenatal workouts on the Tone it Up website. You can also just search ‘prenatal workouts’ on Youtube and they have some pretty good ones. I’m also all about multi-tasking so I use my Flexispot All-in-one Desk Bike when I’m watching TV, engaging on Instagram on catching up on emails. You guys can use code safiinmotherland for a discount if you’re interested!
4. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in
This applies to everything from your PJs, undergarments and swimwear to clothing. I was a HUGE fan of b.tempt’d bras and panties before I got pregnant, but I’m an even bigger fan now. Most of my bras and panties now feel super uncomfortable to me so I appreciate how great theirs fit and how comfortable they are. Their Future Foundation Collection has several bras that upgrade your everyday. I recently received the Future Foundation T-shirt bra, and it is literally the only bra that I don’t want to immediately rip off lately. It’s so nice being able to go about my day and go to work, run errands, and play with my son without thinking about how I can’t wait to change out of my bra. I’m also SO OBSESSED with their one size fits most tank and panties. Like I have never, ever worn a tank and panties that were SO SOFT and comfy. I seriously wish I could live in them and I love that I’ll still be able to wear them postpartum because they’re one size fits most. I can wear the tank to bed, with everyday outfits and even while working out so I love how versatile it is. As an added bonus, from now until July 6th you can get a free pair of panties with every Future Foundation bra purchased!
5. Self-care, self-care, self-care
This one is super important. Everyone’s definition of self-care is different so find whatever it might mean to you. For me, I love a good face mask, painting my nails, watching a good Netflix show, getting 30 extra minutes of sleep in the morning or indulging in vegan baked goods. Something that has made a HUGE difference for me during this pregnancy is putting in the extra time to get ready. I basically lived in leggings and never did my hair during my last pregnancy so that definitely didn’t help me feel great about myself. Now that creating content is basically my second job, it forces me (in a good way) to wear cute outfits, do my makeup, and clip-in some extensions for photos-at least on the weekend anyways. Not only am I now documenting this pregnancy so much more because of that, I also feel so much more confident. I definitely wouldn’t have feel confident enough to rock a swimsuit or body con dress last pregnancy, but this time I’m genuinely proud of my body. I also love fashion so I’ve been having so much more fun dressing the bump this time and it’s actually turned into a form of self-care for me.
I hope these tips were helpful for you, whether you’re eggo is preggo or not. Life is way too short to not feel confident!
Also, if you’re interested in learning more about b.tempt’d you can click here
Mama Writes Reviews
You are gorgeous! Congrats on your pregnancy and I wish you well.
Thank you so much mama!! 🙂
Loving these tips! And btw, you look absolutely amazing 😍
I’m so glad you liked them! Aww thank you so much 🙂
a nice amount of sensitivity and humour …pregnancy is so emotional. it’s nice to have a reminder to be kinder to ourselves
Yes it definitely can be an emotional time! Thank you for reading 🙂
These are great tips mama! Happy pregnancy to you! 🙂
I’m so glad you liked them!! Thank you mama! 🙂
Rianna Stavrides
Your pictures are beautiful!! Great tips! I know a lot of Moms lose their confidence during and after pregnancy. Your blog post will definitely help a lot of women! <3
Thank you so much! Yes it’s definitely easy to lose your confidence when you’re going through so many changes. Thank you I hope so!! 🙂